Conversations Worth Having Blog

Communication is at the heart of everything we do. Enjoy our blog where we explore how conversations can increase engagement, leadership practices, decision making, collective capacity, and more.

A Twitter Conversation Worth Having Oct 04, 2019

I just heard an NPR story about the trauma that journalists are dealing with on social media. They post stories about the facts they are uncovering and they receive hate-posts and threatening...

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Complaining About the Men In Our Lives Oct 04, 2019

A friend of mine noted, many older women don’t seem to like their husbands. They complain about them . . . all the time. She noticed these women seemed lonely and loveless even though their...

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Turning the Tide of Our Conversations Aug 28, 2019

Create Positive Change, One Conversation at a Time.

Cheri Torres and Jackie Stavros are committed to shifting the nature of the conversations people are having in the world. They know that we move...

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Conversation: The Lifeblood of Well-being and Success Aug 25, 2019

Conversations are something we often take for granted, despite how pervasive they are. We are almost always in dialogue with ourselves or with others, and these conversations heavily influence our...

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The Rapidly Changing Workplace Aug 24, 2019

More and more, organizations are asking: How do we respond effectively in this world of rapid change, uncertainty and ambiguity? It’s becoming quite clear that our current business...

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Try a 30-Day Conversation Cleanse Mar 13, 2019

A cleanse is designed to make something thoroughly clean, to clear out toxins in order to restore health. I’ve always associated a cleanse with clean food, juicing, water, and supplements....

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Conversation Strengthens Relationships . . . or not! Jan 28, 2019

If you are in the rapture of a new love, reflect for a moment on the kinds of conversations you have with one another. If you’ve weathered new love and are in a long-term relationship,...

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Make 2019 a Year of Well-Being Dec 30, 2018

New Year’s commitments are almost always different renditions of the desire for better health, wellbeing, and happiness. Here are some surefire, research-based strategies for actually...

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Make Holiday Conversations Worth Having Dec 05, 2018

When you contemplate the holiday season, are you filled with visions of family togetherness? Or are you bracing for stress and tension? It’s often difficult to keep our hopes and...

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Transforming Culture One Conversation at a Time Oct 30, 2018

If you look up the meaning of culture, you’ll find a definition resembling this:

a: the customary beliefs, social norms, and material traits of a racial, religious, or social group, e.g.,...

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