Conversations Worth Having Blog
Communication is at the heart of everything we do. Enjoy our blog where we explore how conversations can increase engagement, leadership practices, decision making, collective capacity, and more.
According to a Pew Research Center survey conducted last month, “around seven-in-ten Americans (72%) say taking in civilian refugees from countries where people are trying to escape...
With so many challenging and potentially divisive conversations to be had at this time, many people are feeling they’re walking on a tightrope – at home and work. How can we balance...
The Monday Kickstarter group put on their positive framing hats this week to address the following challenge: A client had expressed that many of the managers were tired of having conversations...
“There can only be one state of mind as you approach any profound test; total concentration, spirit of togetherness, and strength.” Pat Riley
Today’s Kickstarter challenge came...
Today’s challenging scenario came out of the blue and made a lasting impression on the person who shared it with us. When something like this comes to the surface and emotions are...
In today’s Kickstarter session, a participant shared that engagement numbers in her organization had decreased significantly following recent changes and the hiring of a number of new staff....
The challenge in today’s Kickstarter session arose from leadership’s realization that the organization was completely stuck and unable to move forward.
Initial generative questions to...
Can you imagine your manager saying this to you after you’ve tried to initiate a conversation worth having? Unfortunately, this is an all-too-familiar situation for many people, especially...
“He’s insisting on an apology from me, though the situation was his fault! The gall!”
This was the challenge shared by someone who wanted to know how to turn this into a...
Rumi said, “Lovely days don’t come to you, you should walk to them.” He was guiding us to realize we have choice in each moment of every day. But it doesn’t always feel like...
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