Jane Woods

United Kingdom

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Jane Woods is a Conversations Worth Having Practitioner and Trainer, an Institute of Leadership & Management Level 5 Coach/Facilitator, a Well Being Coach and founder of Jane Woods Coaching.  She enjoyed a long career in pharmaceutical sales and, in recent years, developed a passion for coaching.   She coaches clients in the private sector, the NHS and allied healthcare organisations, specializing in collaboration, trust, confidence, resilience and emotional wellbeing.  Jane is also a cancer coach/facilitator for people living with or recovering from cancer.  She has an enthusiasm, energy and curiosity for learning and likes to bring creative play and a love of nature and the outdoors into her conversations, where possible.  She also loves chocolate, beer, sea swimming and living on the Isle of Purbeck in the UK.

Her top strengths are ideation, strategic and focus and she utilizes these to explore what’s possible and empower people and organisations to achieve their potential, navigate the ups and downs of life and thrive in this ever-changing world.


“Jane’s compassion and empathic style truly complimented this coaching relationship.  I felt nourished after each session due to her supportive curiosity, that enabled me to reflect and respond to my own issues in a positive, successful manner.  She empowered me to make the necessary changes in my behaviours, completely honouring my values and strengths.” – Oncology and Haematology Service Manager.

“The whole concept (Conversations Worth Having) was useful in that it makes one think about things in a different, yet positive way.” – Clinical Scientist NHS