Deborah Connors

British Columbia, Canada

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Organizational health and culture expert Deborah Connors, researches the latest breakthroughs in workplace culture around the globe. She is the author of A Better Place To Work: Daily Practices That Transform Culture through which she has distilled the knowledge of hundreds of organizational health thought-leaders. She is the Executive Director of BCalm (The BC Association for Living Mindfully) and founder of The Better Workplace Conference, which she led for 17 years. This powerful initiative created a whole generation of workplace health professionals and a huge community of practice.

Deborah was in the first cohort of facilitators to become certified in teaching Conversations Worth Having (CWH) and Strategic Conversations because she wants to “change the workplace conversation” and sees how well these tools fit with her organizational work. She has now taught CWH numerous times online and in client organizations and uses the Strategic Conversations tools in her consulting practice.

A captivating speaker, storyteller and workplace consultant, Deborah is also the creator of Leading A Better Place To Work, a self-directed online course community with live group coaching.  Deborah incorporates research on leadership, positive psychology, and positive organizations to provide evidence-based practices that help teams and organizations flourish. Through her business, Well-Advised Consulting, she helps leaders and teams create great cultures that lead to engagement, innovation and success!